Chapter01: Favour

It was a warm autumn day. Not a lot of people on the beach this period. Dean decided to walk his dog and have one of those “me” times. Lately his new girlfriend was a bit too much for him. He was pretty convinced in his introversion but maybe he just was not feeling it anymore. He needed some time to think.
At the distance, sitting on the concrete was a couple. They were kissing and hugging passionately. “Honeymoon period” - he thought to himself. He was wallowing in relationship thoughts lately. Does he want to end up alone, that thought was not scaring him anymore. He can always get more dogs to keep him occupied.
As he was passing by the couple he noticed the intense stare of the girlfriend. He felt uncomfortable so he broke the eye contact early. “I’ll let this one pass” he thought to himself jokingly.
“Yo mate!” the boyfriend yelled at him as he was already at least 20 meters pass them. Dean turned around and waved awkwardly. “Come here mate, we need a favour” the boyfriend said while making inviting gestures. The girl kept quiet and just shifted her gaze from Dean to her boyfriend and other way around as Dean was approaching them. As he came closer he noticed their bloody eyes. “Were they crying or smoking?” Dean wondered.
“I’m Jerry and this is Amila.” The guy offered his hand with a shit eating grin on his face. “I’m Dean, nice to meet you.” Dean replied as he was shaking their sweaty hands. “They must be awkward as I am.” Dean thought. He liked to narrate in his head, he won so many battles this way. “We just need for you to take our picture darling.” Finally Amila spoke. “Sure” Dean replied. Jerry was going through his backpack and pulled of cheap digital camera. “This is your weapon soldier!” Jerry said while giving the camera to Dean. As Dean was studying the camera Jerry cut him off “Just press gently and hold this button until it makes the sound and then click all the way.” “Yeah I know...mmh..I know these...I just” Dean was mumbling. The couple stood up and went towards the water. Jerry hugged Amila and said “Is this a good spot?” Amila looked at Jerry and replied “Perfect.” “Wait!” Jerry yelled and came to Dean. He took the camera and put it on filming. “Better take a video” Jerry whispered into Dean's ear and winked at him as he was backing off to his initial pose.
Dean was not going to mangle. He hated when his friends do this to him as he was staring at the camera with an awkward smile while they were filming the whole thing, but this was not his business.
“Ok, go!” Dean said as he hugged Amila tighter and put on a wide smile. Jerry pressed the button. There was a bit of stillness before Jerry put his hand behind his back. Dean was looking through the lens and it appeared as Jerry pulled something from his back pocket. In matter of seconds Jerry shot Amila in the head and right after himself from the chin upwards. It took exactly 2 full seconds for Dean to drop the camera after Jerry shot himself. He was shock paralysed.